Sam Soleyn

Sam Soleyn Apostolic Ministry Directory

Below are some ways to connect with Sam Soleyn, find his teachings, and discover materials created by those related to Sam. We hope these resources aid you in your journey to discover Truth found in the person of Jesus Christ!

Sam Soleyn App

The Sam Soleyn App

Powered by Mr. Owl, find out more about who Sam is, his ministry, and all of his latest teachings. You can find teachings in audio, video, and text format.

Sam Soleyn App on the Google Playstore Sam Soleyn App on the Apple App Store
One Holy Nation App

The One Holy Nation App

Use the One Holy Nation app to access biblical teachings in various multimedia formats from speakers Dr. Samuel Soleyn, Dr. Corbett Gaulden, Mr. Douglas B. Allen, Mr. Michael Barrett and Mr. Thamo Naidoo.

One Holy Nation App on the Google Playstore One Holy Nation App on the Apple App Store
Sam Soleyn Youtube Channel

Sam Soleyn YouTube Channel

This channel contains information for those who are serious about the reality of God and the nature of God. The viewer will be severely challenged by this information because it is, almost certainly, a level of understanding with which the majority of both believers and non-believers are unfamiliar.

Modern Christianity is designed for a consumer-based audience and only promotes personalities and influencers. Materials contained on this channel will reintroduce the viewer to the reality of the living God. Modern Christianity is nothing more than pop psychology. This channel seeks to steer the viewer away from this fallacy and toward a life centered in the original intent of the living God.